
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Western Wild Bergamot: frilly pink prairie flowers

Western Wild Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Western Wild Bergamot.  © SB
Western Bergamot plants have dramatic pink flowers — large ones that are impossible to miss, though from the reactions of my companions the day I took these photographs, apparently quite easy to ignore.

These rose-coloured flowers have been compared to fireworks — a lovely image that accompanies their description on the Minnesota wildflower site.

(Yes, I'm happy to say that we in Saskatchewan share Western Bergamot, or Monarda fistulosa, with a large swath of North America.)

Apparently it grows well in gardens, too...

Note to self: Find seeds, for next year.

Western Wild Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Western Wild Bergamot, growing in Regina, SK  © SB 

Western Wild Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Single flower head, Western Wild Bergamot.
Note the flowers beginning to bloom in the cluster, and the serrated leaves. © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Western Wild Bergamot 
Location: Wildflower garden, First Nations University of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan 
Photo Date: July 12, 2016


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