
Monday, June 13, 2016

Canada Anemone: White native shade wildflower

Large flowers along the road or hidden in the trees surprise me, so when I saw Canada Anemones growing in a ditch and at the edge of a damp woodland, I wondered at first if they'd been planted there. And who knows where these particular plants came from — but, as befits its name, the Canada Anemone is a native plant.

Canada Anemones. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Canada Anemone flower, seen from above.  © SB

Canada Anemones. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Dense cluster of Canada Anemone plants.  © SB

Canada Anemones. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Canada Anemone flowers. © SB 

These plants tend to grow in large clusters, and didn't seem affected  by even the dirt and grit of nearby grid roads.

Prairie Wildflower: Canada Anemone
Location: Near Muenster, Saskatchewan, Canada
Photo Dates: July 4, 2015; July 6 and 21, 2014.


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