
Saturday, April 2, 2016

It's Prairie Crocus Time on the Prairies

The Prairie Crocuses have started to bloom — a definite sign that Spring is really and finally here! I expect within the next few days, as the weather continues to stay warm, there will be a lot more of these lovely purple and gold flowers appearing on our straw-brown Saskatchewan hillsides.

Prairie Crocus, © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved
The first Prairie Crocuses of the year.
Qu'Appelle Valley, SK, Canada  © SB

We were also relieved not to see any insects in the dry grasses — especially not any wood ticks, which will soon be out in great force. (A recent local radio item said that they are already out, but as I didn't see any, I prefer not to believe that...) 

Prairie Wildflower: Prairie Crocus  
Location: Hidden Valley, near Craven, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Photo Date: April 2, 2016 


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