
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hooker's Townsendia - Low White Townsend Daisies

Hooker's Townsendia. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Hooker's Townsendia, in early bloom near Banff, Alberta. © SB

Hooker's Townsendia, a cushion of low white flowers on grey-furred leaves, grows on dry prairie grasslands and eroded slopes.

I was surprised to find a few blooming on a sun-drenched hillside in April in Banff National Park, near the helpfully illustrated sign, labelled "Townsend / Townsendie de Hooker."

The name of this native plant honours the 19th century American naturalist David Townsend, and his English contemporary, botanist William J. Hooker.

Although Royer and Dickenson's Plants of Alberta indicates July/August as this plant's flowering time, the Montana field guide shows sightings only in April/May. 

Hooker's Townsendia. Copyright © Shelley Banks, all rights reserved.
Hooker's Townsend Daisy  © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Townsendia (Hooker's Townsend Daisy / Townsendia hookeri)
Location: Near Banff, Alberta.
Photo Date: April 12, 2016


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