
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Western Red Lily: Saskatchewan's Flower

Today, the Western Red Lily. On the site of the first mass in the Muenster, Saskatchewan, area — and over the fence by the roadside — there is a small patch of native prairie bright with wild flowers: Hedysarum, Bedstraw, Roses. Hidden from a distance by the rest of the vibrant early July growth, blooms a single cluster of deep orange lilies.

Western Red Lily   © SB

(Though perhaps it's still early in the year, and more Western Red Lilies may perhaps soon appear...)

And the date on the plaque for the first mass? 1903.

Shrine at the site of the first Muenster mass.

Prairie Wildflower: Western Red Lily
Location: Muenster, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Photo Dates: July 8, 2014. 



  1. It's always so special to come across a wild tiger lily. Lovely picture.

  2. Thanks so much! Lovely to hear from a fellow SK blogger. (Great blog, too -- you have so many creative interests!)


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