
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Prairie Roses, from Pale to Deep Pink

Wild Prairie Rose   © SB
Oh, the Prairie Roses along the edges of Saskatchewan grid roads in July and August!

These Prairie Roses range from pale pink through a deep, almost crimson shade, and scent the air with the sweet smell of, well, summer roses. 

I know you guys roaring by in your dusty pick-up trucks and (yes, especially you, that somewhat-less-than-courteous, rock-spewing driver) new Mercedes...

I know you feel you own the road, but you're missing the best part of summer, the piece that only walkers can behold: The miracle of Prairie Roses growing wild in gravel. Free beauty at your feet.
Deep Pink Wild Prairie Rose   © SB
Pale Pink Wild Prairie Rose   © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Prairie Roses
Location: Near Muenster, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Photo Dates: July 21, 2014.


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos and I love seeing so many right now. Looking forward to the fall when I can go rose hip picking.


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