
Friday, May 30, 2014

Golden Bean - Early Yellow Prairie Wildflower

Golden Bean, aka Buffalo Bean among other names, is a vibrant yellow prairie wildflower that blooms in May. At least, it's now the end of May, and there are now dozens of Golden Bean plants in full bloom at the Condie Nature Refuge, north of Regina, SK.

It's also the season for wood ticks at Condie, and each time I stood after kneeling to take a picture of these low yellow flowers, I picked one or two ticks off my very light (tucked into socks) jeans! So far so good — I seem to have left them all in the field... But the experience has somewhat dampened my enthusiasm for close-to-the-ground shooting! (At least, for the rest of today...)

Golden Bean - something larger than a tick seems to have taken a bite
from the flower at right.   © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Golden Bean (sometimes called Buffalo Bean, aka Thermopsis rhombifolia)

Location: Condie Nature Refuge, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Photo Dates: May 30, 2014. 


1 comment:

  1. just after Easter, i saw among leafy musineons, prairie crocusses and moss phloxes a strange... sturdy little plant appearing looking like an astragalus, i wonder if this was it? what do you think? it didn't bloom yet when i was in the prairies


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