
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rhombic-leaved sunflower: Saskatchewan flower

sunflower © SB
What could say summer more than a sunflower?

This bright yellow prairie wildflower from Saskatchewan is called a Rhombic-leaved sunflower, in reference to the even sides and oblique diamond shape of the leaves.

These flowers grow naturally in fields and along roadsides, and Vance/Jowsey says they are more common in dry areas in light soils than other prairie sunflowers.

I took these photographs in the garden of native prairie plants at Regina's Royal Saskatchewan Museum last week.  

The Museum has a webpage on this garden, What's in Bloom, with more information about the native flowers and grasses that grow there. (The garden is tended by the Museum and Nature Regina.)

This photograph makes me happy! Summer is here! © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Rhombic-leaved sunflower (Helianthus laetiflorus var. subrhomboideus)
Location: Native Plant Garden, Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Photo Date: July 13, 2012.  


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