
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blazingstar: Rose and purple flowers

Dotted Blazingstar in Grasslands National Park © SB

From what I've read, this prairie wildflower is likely to be Dotted Blazingstar.

I'd love to get a better image, but for that, I'd need to find plants with a bigger display of blossoms, so for now, I will work with what I've got.

Below, an overview field shot that somewhat shows the stalks... (Note that this was taken late in the season, past the height of flowering, and so most of the purple dots are spent blooms.)
Blazingstar in prairie grasses © SB 

And then, to make up for the lack of excitement in that picture, the final image shows a butterfly on a Blazingstar floret.

Butterfly on Blazingstar © SB

Prairie Wildflower: Dotted Blazingstar (Liatris punctata) ?
Locations: Pink flower - Grasslands National Park; Purplish flower and field image - Hidden Valley Nature Refuge, near Regina.
Photo Dates: Grasslands - July 27, 2011; Hidden Valley - September 5, 2011.



  1. Thanks, Brenda! I have so many pictures to sort and post, I thought they take over the other blog!


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