
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grasslands National Park: June Wildflowers

Val Marie, Saskatchewan, Canada. Late June: Waves of prairie wildflowers ripple across Grasslands National Park. Some rustle under the grasses; other swirl boldly in the unrelenting wind.

June wildflowers in Grasslands National Park. © SB 

Lilac-flowered beardtongue.
Three-flowers avens
Prairie Smoke.© SB
Colorado rubberweed.
Wild blue flax.

Tufted fleabane
Early yellow locoweed.
Three-flowered avens —
Prairie smoke.

Moss phlox.
Scarlet mallow.
Pygmy flower.

Silverleaf psoralea.

Sagebrush and gaillardia. Grasslands.© SB

Clustered oreocarya.
Prairie rose.
Colorado rubberweed
Low everlasting — pussytoes.

Goat's beard.
Winter fat.
Pasture sage.

for sage grouse.
Branched umbrellaplant
for butterflies,
Mormon Metalmarks.

Narrow-leaved milk vetch.
Ascending purple milk vetch.
A dozen vetches,

Wildflowers in a wild land. © SB

All of these flowers were in bloom when we visited on the weekend. Except the sages. Although maybe they were, too, and I couldn't tell. (In any case, I liked their names...) The guide told us there are more than 300 kinds of prairie wildflowers in Grasslands National Park. (Of those listed, goat's beard is not native; as I understand it, the rest are.) 


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